Dira Studio ئاپەکان

Ranger Rush 1.0
Dira Studio
Permainan Petualangan ranger merah yangsedangmencari timnya yang ditawan oleh monster dari planetlainyang turun kebumi. Dia melewati rintangan yang sangat beratdengankonsekuensi nyawanya terancam.selain itu mereka harus dapat bersatu untuk meghadapi musuhdenganmenggabungkan semua elemen robotdan menjadikan megazord robot gabungan yang sangat kuat.dapatkah Ranger menyelamatkan temannya kemudian menghentikanmonsteryang akan menguasai bumi?Mari kita bantu ranger dengan segenap tenaga dan kekuatanuntukmenumpas kejahatan yang merajalela...!!!Adventure Games redrangerwho was looking for his team were held captive by monstersfromanother planetwhich descend to earth. He passed the tremendous barriers totheconsequences for his life.other than that they should be united to meghadapi enemiesbycombining all the elements of the robotand makes the robot Megazord combination is very strong.Ranger can save her friend and then stop the monsters that willrulethe earth?Let us help the ranger with all his strength and power to crackdownon rampant crime ... !!!
Ultra Men Blue 1.0
Dira Studio
Ultra Men Blue is a game obstacles that mustbeovercome to reach the next level. play with the 100 Level andhelpUltra Men to get past obstacles Malignant MonsterMen Ultra Blue is agamethat must be Overcome obstacles to reach the next level. playwiththe 100 Level and help Ultra Men to get past obstaclesMalignantMonster
Pertarungan Penyu 1.0
Dira Studio
Peraminan tanpa henti menyelamatkan bumidemiperdamaiyan dunia.diperankan oleh 4 penyu renkarnasi dari Turtle's Ninja'syangterkenal sebagai pahlawan penegak kebenaranpembasmikejahatanPeraminanendlesslyperdamaiyan save the earth for the sake of theworld.played by four turtle reincarnation of Turtle's Ninja's famousherocrime fighter enforcement truth
Shiva X 1.0
Dira Studio
Shiva X petualangan super yangmenegangkandengan permainan 100 Level.Ayo bantu Shiva melewati rintangan keganasan Zombie.Shiva X supersuspensefuladventure with the game 100 Level.Come help through the obstacles malignancy Zombie Shiva.